Thursday, March 26, 2015

Houdini and Me

Houdini may have been a master illusionist but he ain't got nothing on me.  His escape from various "traps" is legendary.   But, have you ever tried to tie a shoe with one hand, or put on a pair of pants, button a shirt, or my favorite. ..put on deodorant. Now try that with one hand. 
After a stroke you have to open your mind and learn to do things differently.   And, the human brain is up to the task.  It is remarkable what you can relearn , and how when presented with a problem your brain opens up so many new avenues.
You look at problems  or potential obstacles through a new set of eyes ( so to speak). You find that buttoning a shirt can be done, and yes putting on deodorant becomes an achievement.
Cooking a meal is possible, though chopping an onion has presented it's own set of problems. But, I will be able to accomplish this too.
Houdini ain't got nothing on me.