Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pride Goeth

Many, many years ago my first "actual" job was as a janitor in a nursing home. I say real job because my first pay date came as a chicken plucker at the local chicken farm , I was 11 or 12, and was paid by the chicken. (Yes that is a real job) I still dont know which was better or worse. But , I digress again.
Working in a nursing home changes your perspective on many things.  And, one thing (listen up hear this is important) that I learned is that you must keep your sense of humor. 
Laughing at yourself, and being able to find the funny in anything,  even a stroke.
So yesterday my DR., released me to drive.  "Just dont plan on any cross country drives anytime soon". Yea, forget it Im free, im hittin the road jack not lookin back, are you kidding me.  If I can make it to starbucks my day is done. 
The plan is hopefully to be back at work mid-May.  But, I have a few goals to achieve. First, yes those damn pegs, gotta be able to put the peg in a hole. Yea your laughing, just try it without moving any fingers.  Next, I have to be able to balance.  I have to walk a balance beam forward and back two times each without falling. Now, I know that if the majority of you had to do this to keep your jobs there would be a lot of unemployed people out there. Just keep that in mind when you see a disabled person, you never know what you can do until you have to.
So, let me tie all this together.  Working at the nursing home taught me alot about laughter and pride.  Looking back I remember  people struggling to put on their clothes and having to ask for help to do minor things. As a cocky teenager im sure I was not an emblem of understanding or compassion. 
A few weeks ago my daughter was in a play at school. I wanted to go of course, but I did not want to embarrass her or me.  So I insisted in wearing street clothes, not the stretchy pants I was able to pull on and off myself. With a little fanfare my wife was able to button and zip me and off we went.  Everything was great until the very end of the play.  I had to pee and could not hold it anymore.  At the bathroom my wife undid the button and I was able to go I  and take care of business.  Now the issue, how to zip and button again.  As I said pride goeth, I made it into the hall and the wife redid me .  No one came by, but I was prepared to give the "whatcha lookin at"  to any one.  Needless to say I couldnt wait to get home to the stretchy pants.