Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's the little things....

Today marks my 4th month post stroke.
I have been able to return to an almost pre- stroke life.  Small little things that I am learning to adapt to or continue working on.  There are many times when I forget that I even had a stroke.  Like when I get up in the morning and go to brush my teeth, reaching for the tube with my left hand I start to squeeze and then it hits me, my left hand just doesn't quite maneuver  like it should.
I get in a hurry to eat lunch and I forget that chewing on my left side is a slow process, otherwise I repeatedly bite my lip and tongue.  But these l have little things will continue to improve or be compensated  for.  I try to use both hands when using a keyboard, typing is slow, but getting better.  My brain is now telling which fingers  to move for each key.  When I am alone I work my way to the piano and slowly work through the scales.  Liberace  I am not.....yet.
There have been blessings too.  I have slowed down my work life, spending 60 hours a week on the go just doesn't do it for me anymore. And, the people at work are totally fine.  The world didn't stop because I leave on time and leave work at work.  I also found that I had a huge support group at church.  We have always gone to church, usually quietly among the parishoners. Minimally involved. But,  not until this happened did I realize how many people would continually reach out.  I have also become close with my sister and brother.  We have always loved and gotten along but communicated only a few times a year.  Now it's is several times a week if not daily.  My 62 year old brother even joined facebook.  My wife and I have become even closer, she is a true hero. And my daughter, well she is so grown up, such an adult, watching over me like a mother hen, holding my hand cutting my food if needed and just being wonderful.  The dogs (2 standard poodles) even wait for me to go up or down stairs before approaching.
I was always told I was stubborn  (Taurus you know).  But I did not really understand how determined I could be.  When I was alone in the rehab hospital I would lay in the bed-scared to death of what the future held.  Everyone I knew who had a stroke ended up paralyzed, sitting in a chair smoking pack after pack waiting to die.
That was not me.  I pushed my limits every day, and pushed my therapists too.   I took every little movement as a major win.  I still have weights by the couch and wrist exercises I continually do. I walk as many times a week as I can.   I am determined to live my life and enjoy it.  Never, ever stop.....