Sunday, May 17, 2015

Love Notes

I am heading back to work tomorrow,  so I need to tell a couple of people how much I love them and appreciate them. 
When something catastrophic happens to you the whole world totally revolves around you.  Everyone wants to know how YOU are, everyone wants to talk to you or about YOU.  YOU get cards and letters, flowers, and phone calls.  People tend to forget that there are other people affected too. In my case two very extraordinary people. 
First let me talk about my daughter.  When something like a stroke happens to you it is very scary.   I thought of how scared I was, I never thought how scared Helen must be.  Seeing your parent in a hospital and the uncertainty of what the future holds has got to be the stuff sleepless nights are made of.  But, to her credit she never let on.  She was a pillar.  She watched over me like a hawk.  Massaged my hand, tied my shoes when I couldnt,  buttoned my buttons, cooked and learned to open and pour a bottle of wine.  When she could've been going out with friends she stayed with me.  She never complained about how my situation changed her life.  At her young age she knew that when you love someone you do whatever you need to.  She was and is a great therapist too. 
When my left arm wouldn't move she watched the therapists and worked with me at home.  She even innovated.  Her biggest achievement, getting my arm to move.  She picked up one of the small exercise balls and threw it at me.  She did this repeatedly believing that I would eventually move my arm to catch it or bat it away.  And I did.  One night I caught the ball, oh what a celebration we had. 
Now my wife .  I have enjoyed the love and company of this woman for 26 years.  We have seen good and bad, and always made it through.  This woman sat by my bed for hours, was my advocate with doctors, hospitals, insurance companies.   She was there to comb my hair and brush my teeth.  She held me when I took my first steps and continues to watch over me.  She held me when I cried and listened when I was frustrated .  She is also my toughest critic.  At times I would get down and she was always there to kick my ass and move me along.  She never coddled me.  If I needed something she made me get it, she would just say do it, don't look at me, just do it.  And I did.
I have two of the most wonderful women watching me, and I love them with all my heart.