Thursday, May 14, 2015

Those Friggin Pegs

As most of you remember part of my therapy consisted of a balance beam (which I mastered with the grace of a true pro), and working with pegs.  There are several exercises I have to do with them.  Taking them in and out of holes in a board, just like the game at Cracker Barrel, picking up these extremely small round pegs and putting them in designs, using tweezers to do these same exercises with.  I know that most of you think "what stupid things to be doing".  But, I had to teach my fingers how to move again.  The part of my brain that sent stimuli to my left side (including the fine motor skills) was dead.  We only use a fraction of our brain, even Einstein.  So there are plenty of cells just sitting around that can learn new orders. Many days I sat talking to my fingers telling them to move (the stubborn little bastards).   The therapists would sit and manipulate my hand and fingers as I told them what to do, giving the brain the charge that it was actually speaking to them. Little by little they have progressed, the brain has found new pathways to send signals. Those friggin little pegs are no match for me and my super powers. It is said that a man can move a mountain using mind over matter. I dont know if that is true, but I do know that with will, determination and faith I have moved my fingers.  My next goal, being able to play the piano again. And I know I can do it.
Giving the Gigem, just 2 weeks ago I could not do this.