Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving,  truly holds special meanings for every one. Family  and traditions. Family we were born with or married in to and family we make.  I have been blessed to have both.  The memories of large family gatherings  in Kurten, aunts, uncles, cousins,  food everywhere, no empty space at all. The laughter, constant commotion and noise.
In college many of my friends lived away and could not always go home to their families.   My parents always invited them in.  At one dinner I had about 10 college buddies. Lots of food. I was fortunate to have the kind of parents who opened their home to my friends, many times when I wasnt there I would find out they had stopped in, ate and usually had a home cooked meal packed for later too.
After I was married, the incorporation of my wifes family into my life was easy.  A large Greek family, cousins etc., reminded me of my youth. Lots of love, and oh so much food.
My wife and I were the first and really only to move around. In our marriage we have moved 5 or 6 times.  We have been very fortunate to have developed friendships and nurtured these into another extended family.  People whose friendship I cherish. People I know I can count on all the time.
I have reconnected with old friends on face book and linkd in, people I share a past with and I enjoy the glimpses into their lives, sort of keeping in touch.   Keep posting.
This past February I had a stroke as most of you know.  I have recovered, but it made me realize how many people-friends, family, acquaintances, have touched my life and hopefully I touched them. The enormous outpouring was overwhelming, much needed and appreciated. 
So at this Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for.  Life, family and friends.  Thank you all for being a part of it.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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