Monday, January 18, 2016

The Brain Fart

The brain fart....a misconception to most people, a humorous term used to describe a situation when they make a bad decision or forget something... not so serious in this sense.  I think of my stroke as a brain fart.  An eruption or sudden explosion I had no control over.  A silent "killer".  In eleven months the doctors have not been able to determine the cause.  The focus is now on a possible microscopic air bubble... hence the fart.  I had a Qlinc implanted a month ago.  This implant will monitor my heart for any sudden or irregular beats for about 2 years.  I have a device that plugs into a wall and sends constant uploads to a monitoring station.  Supposedly if anything goes wrong a dispatch is sent immediately.  This is not a pace maker or anything like that, it monitors the blood flow and checks for air bubbles.  I am sure my family wishes I had an air monitor on another part of my body.
Years ago a TV show..Boston Legal, featured a character played by William Shatner who would blame any irrational behavior or absent mindedness on mad cow disease.  This let him get away with much.  I tell people I had a brain fart.  When they look at me funny and laugh a little, I get a serious look on my face and say "No, really, I had a brain fart".  I figure this can be an excuse for my behavior well into old age.  God gave me an excuse not to have to act like a grown up,  now if I could just find my longboard, the family keeps hiding it from me. 

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